
Thank you to Sylvia Dollemore for the following information on this photo loaned to us by Bill Dean:-

The photograph supplied by Bill Dean in the Easter Newsletter was taken in January 1940, and shows 'old' members of 1st Coleshill Girl Guides celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Company. The venue is the hut attached to the windmill, used as Guide H.Q. I am not sure, but the nearest girl on the right may be Carter (her daughter was Janet) and the nearest left one of three sisters whose surname escapes me, but one was Louie, who was Kate Barber's mother. The person standing on the left at the end of the table is Ruth Howard, the Captain. She lived at Windmill House with her parents and two brothers. She started the Company in 1930, her father having 'sold' her the windmill for sixpence. The Company was very active for some years, but in the late 1940' s the number of girls of Guide age in the village dwindled. Ruth was invited by Mrs. Nancy Strode, the District Commissioner, to take over 2nd Chesham Bois Guides, which she did in 1948/9, taking the few remaining Coleshill Guides with her each week. I was a member of 2nd CB at the time, sometimes camped at the windmill, and as I grew up Ruth became a good friend. She died in 1968 aged 64, and I took over 2nd CB. I have the original logbooks of Coleshill Guides, with many photographs, and would be happy to show these to anyone interested.