
1911 the Remaining Cross
Wing of The Manor House


Rear View Present Day

Stock Place, known also in the distant past as Coleshill Manor, is one of the oldest properties in the Village for which records have been found. The late John Chenevix Trench assembled a partial list of owners from 1176 to 1730,starting with William de Mandeville and passing in the 15th century to the Brudenell family, absentee owners. Edmund Waller, grandfather of the poet inherited the lease of the property from his brother Francis in 1549. Before the lease expired the property then became part of the estates of Sir Basil Brooke on his marriage to Ethedreda (Ethel) Brudenell. In 1624 the manor house was sold to George Coleshill (a coincidence)) who appears to have decided to discontinue letting the manor and partially demolished it in about 1630. Timbers from the structure were apparently used to build neighbouring farmhouses. The property was sold to James Perrott and by him to Henry Child and by his son of the same name to Edmund Waller who had been born in the house some 78 years earlier.

On the death of the last lord of the manor, Daniel Roberts, the property was sold in 1731 to Elizabeth Brent’s Charity which in effect conveyed lordship to the Rector of Amersham, an arrangement which only ended in 1925. Records show tenants during the 18th and 19th centuries included members of the Drake family of Shardeloes. Censuses from 1851 to 1901 list tenants as members of the Walker, Shrimpton, Bilbey, Slade and Palmer families. In 1949 the ownership passed from the Trustees of Charity Lands to private individuals.