
  Chalk Pit House

On the first edition Ordnance Survey map, surveyed in 1876, there is a house named Adelaide Villa in the south west corner of Coleshill Green but when the house first appeared in a local directory in 1877, it was known as The Larches. The Larches was the home of the artist, John Evan Hodgson RA,. He died at Coleshill in 1895 but his widow continued to live in the house. In 1935, the house became the home of Sir Richard Douglas Powell, Bart., who renamed it Coleshill Close. He added the shutters which are still a prominent architectural feature of the house. Powell served with the Welsh Guards in the Second World War. He was captured after the Normandy landings and contrived an audacious escape. He won the Miltilary Cross and the Croix Militaire 1st Class (Belgium). He was later to become Director-General of the Institute of Directors. 

In 1957, Coleshill Close was purchased by the present owners who changed the name to Chalk Pit House to make it easier for delivery drivers to find.