
Bowers Farm

This Farm takes its name from a group of fields called Luckings, situate on the southern boundary of Coleshill, which were conveyed in 1617 by Sir Basil Brooke to William Child of Coleshill yeoman for £440:

All those closes lands tenements meadows and pieces or parcels of land with the appurtenances hereinafter in these presents mentioned that is to say One close of land with the appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of:

  A R P
Great Hearne Land 10 1 0
Little Hearne Land 5 3 23
Upper Hearne Land 4 2 7
Long Meade 3 0 10
Great Breach 9 0 20
Little Breach 6 3 24
Upper Long Furlong 7 2 2
Lower Long Furlong 8 2 30
Upper Luckins 11 0 28
Lower Luckin 8 1 10
Luckins Garden 3 3 23

The transaction also included about 12 strips in the common fields called Clarmore Field Church Field and Gospel Field

William Child was probably the builder of the farmhouse now known as Luckings Farm. He was the brother of Richard Child who bought Hertfordshire Farm at the same time. William Child died in 1636, when the farm was inherited by his son James Child.

In 1687, James Child the elder of Coleshill yeoman and Eleanor his wife, along with their son James, raised a mortgage of £1,650 on Luckings Farm from James Harding of St Martins in the Fields, milliner. The farm remained the property of the Harding family throughout the 18th century but was bought in 1846 by Christopher Grove, owner of Hertfordshire Farm. His tenant at Luckings was John Keen.

Luckings Farm has remained in common ownership with Hertfordshire House and is now the property of Diana Heimann.